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About Me

Hi I'm Camille!

Who am I?  I guess that’s an existential question we all are trying to answer.  With my current Consciousness I am a child of my Creator and I choose to live consciously vs compulsively.  I am a Seraphim Blueprint Practitioner, Crystal Identifier (Crystals and I have a thing lol!) Shadow Work Coach, and like Blar work with Guides heavily to understand my purpose.  I meditate daily and have found that coupled with shadow work, it has helped me live consciously.  I took Inner Engineering from Sadhguru and that has helped me be Camille 2.0.  Oh I’m Camille by the way.  


I also plan to continue my studies in a lot of things which is to complete all levels of Seraphim Blueprint including advanced healing currently at level 5 as well as Crystal Healing.  This is just for 2021.  2022 in this realm is still up for discussion with my guides.

Healing Stones

What is my story and purpose

By living consciously I am no longer reacting to everyone and everything, I am slowly finding my joy.  It has lessened my anxiousness of my future, I am now fully comfortable with myself (daily healthy shadow work is still done to ensure I energetically stay centered), and has allowed me to slowly free myself from the past.  Working with guides also helps too, and that inner guiding system has helped propel my current state now. 


I have helped found Enlightened Guide and have always wanted to work in the shadows but my guides have a different plan for me.  That inner guiding system has made me come from the shadows into this light.  I am being guided to share and help others heal, build a community that will allow help others grow and ultimately just be me.


In my down time from Enlightened Guide, I am a corporate slave by day or night depending on which time zone you’re on.  I’m a furmom to a cute mini schnauzer and 2 cats both adopted.  I love cooking and hates clean up duty. I’m a minion fanatic and still watch those movies when I need a fast pick me up.

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